Hansa wellness
Hansa Wellness Studio was developed out of Sue's desire to have an in-home healing practice. The name Hansa comes from her spiritual teacher Paramahansa Yogananda. Hansa means swan in Sanskrit. The swan image is the sensation of floating smoothly across water much like the sensation one may have during a healing. Wellness in the name came from Sue's great passion to focus on wellness instead of the familiar medical model that focuses on symptoms instead of causes of symptoms. Studio in the name came from Sue's vision to have a more intimate home-based setting for clients to experience healing work.
While working as a Registered Nurse in pre and post op hospital nursing for thirty two years, Sue was called to work on health prevention and became a Licensed Massage Therapist. As she weaned out of the hospital setting Sue traveled 5 times a year to attend a four-year Healing Science program at prestigious Barbara Brennan School of Healing in Miami, Florida. This led her to begin sharing this work with others in giving Brennan Hands of Light workshops. Sue uses her nursing experience to teach patients a preoperative preparation workshop called Heal Faster Surgery Preparation which is evidence based work created by Peggy Huddleston, PhD.
Sue guides patient’s through this program that includes relaxation and visualization techniques, encompassing how these methods can soothe anxiety, reduce the need for pain medication, shorten the length of a hospital stay, and lead to quicker recovery. She offers pre-operative energy healing sessions to prepare the operative site energetically for surgery, and repairs the site on deeper levels post-operatively allowing more complete healing.
Today Sue draws from all these perspectives as she provides workshops, energy healing, and one-on-one psych-spiritual coaching. Her holistic mind-body approach includes assessing her client’s health care needs and goals; to co-create treatment plans that blend hands-on healing techniques and coaching insights to produce enhanced well-being. In addition to this, Sue teaches energy healing workshops for health care providers, volunteers, and energy healers. She owns Hansa Wellness Studio and accepts referral clients by appointment, following a free thirty minute phone consultation. To schedule your first session email or call Sue. Referrals are welcome.
Bachelors Degree Health Science
Registered Nurse Nevada (retired)
Licensed Massage Therapist NV 697
Brennan Healing Science Professional Studies Graduate
Advanced Studies Brennan Integration Practitioner Graduate
Completion 3-year "Walking the Shaman's Path" Program
Patricia Whitebuffalo, Founder/Director
Owner Hansa Wellness Studio
Brennan Healing Science Practitioner
Brennan Integrated Practitioner (Body-Mind Psychotherapy)
Hands of Light & Core Light Healing Workshop Facilitator
Heal Faster Surgery Preparation Workshop Facilitator
Weekly Seeds of the Spirit Meditation Circle leader (on zoom)
Pre and Post Op Energy Healing Sessions
Reno Meditation Group of Self Realization Fellowship
Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Married to Joe Cacibauda
Sons, Christian & Anthony
Devotee of Paramahansa Yogananda

Initial Client Interview

Healing Session with Client

Hands of Light Workshop
Students learn to give and receive a chelation (healing).
Hansa Wellness Studio
Sue Cacibauda, Owner
Helpful Links